Monday, September 12, 2011

The Desert Table

Hi All

As you may or may not know I tend to call my home the "hand-me-down" house. I love old furniture. Mostly I love items that have previously been loved. There is a special history to items found in my home. I have a 100 year armoire, a full size quilt box, a fold up table and chairs set that has been past to at least 3 families, and other odds and ends. I wouldn't exactly say any of them are truly valuable or well know antiques, but they all hold a special place in my heart and in my humble home.

Soon after I had my daughter I began to feel we had outgrown our little fold up table and chairs set. One day on our way home from my in-laws (they literally live one street over and two blocks up) I spotted a upside down table in an empty lot. We live in a desert area and empty lots around here tend to have a lot of brush and tumble weeds and yes, sometimes trash. I eyed that table for about a month or more and then I worked up the courage to get my husband to go and take a look at it with me. I remember as we walked over there, me carrying our daughter, my husband came to the conclusion I was going to make him drag it home. Sure enough it was a perfectly good table! I started my speech about how I could restore it, that at least I couldn't damage it, and if I did mess it up we could always just put it back. Little did I know he already knew what he was in store for, hee hee.

I cleaned it, sanded it, painted it and we loved it for quite some time. Now as I said we live in a desert area. The heat, sun, sand and other elements had already done a number on the old wood. After a couple of years the screws had a hard time staying tight and the cracks weren't getting any better. Pretty soon the poor thing had a terrible wobble. A friend of mine who was moving called and said that she wouldn't be able to take her table and chairs with her and asked if I was interested in them. It was obviously time to say goodbye to my project table. But, I couldn't do it! A true crafter never gives up on materials, right? I asked my husband to take it apart and store it until I had some idea on what to do with it. He gave me the "I think you're crazy" face, but he did it for me.

It took almost two years, but it struck me like lighting! I know what to do with it. Most of it anyways. Now I just had to find the perfect quote. So many to go through. Too many if you ask me, but I found the one I wanted. I am so proud of my desert table. I hope you like it too.

So here it is....

Love is patient,
Love is kind.
    I Corinthians 13:4

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bring it on Kindergarten

Hi To All,

I feel like its been forever since I last posted. I have been preoccupied with my only child going to kindergarten. Who would have known how hard that would be? I'm sure everyone else but me. I am still cringing at the thought of her in the public school system. With the new possibility of tardies, absences, and unexcused absences I feel like the only thing being tested is my parenting skills. Let me tell you I am NOT ready to be graded on this. I was fine with the responsibilities of a blobby baby. Feeding it, changing it, giving it baths, teaching it to crawl and walk and talk. I am not ready to accept the responsibility of getting my child to school on time Every day. What if I hit traffic (all 3 miles), what if I sleep in (2 alarms and the TV), what if she argues with me about how to do her hair and I loose it and then she losses it and then we have to make up (most likely scenario)?

Okay, I have taken a breath and hope you have too. Sorry for my rantings, but I am really in a state over this. I think I may have a different outlook had I not grown up with a mom who was and still is ALWAYS late. I am still thankful we were always within walking distance to my schools and I could leave at will. Well folks, there is nothing left to do but suck it up and move on. I have not faltered on a challenge yet so, Bring It On Kindergarten! At least I will always have my crafts to calm me down.

I hope all of you had a better adjusted back to school.

The week before this I had the privilege of making an order for my new found cousin. Many thanks to her. She was in need of a baby gift and of course being new to all this I completely overwhelmed her in the beginning. She was a trooper and stuck it out with me and we came up with a puppy style and I went from there. Hope you like them.

 The booties set is a newborn size and the "luv puppy" is a 3-9 mos size. The Flowers are detachable hair clips for future use. I also have a tan fuzzy puppy set, a giraffe set, a baseball set, a ladybug set, a lamb set, a bunny set, a cow set, and I am currently working on a lion set. If you have something in mind please comment. I love to get fresh ideas for things to make. And I love to get any feedback from you guys.